Topic Meta-Structures: Allora’s Path to Collaborative AGI

Diederik Kruijssen
October 4, 2024

In recent months, the Allora Network has been making its mark in the decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) scene. Allora has introduced a new way for independent data providers, modellers, and users to coordinate, and produces collective intelligence that outperforms any individual participant by design. With this solid foundation in place, it is time to sketch the future we can build together.

Our vision for Allora is to create a decentralized and distributed network of AI agents that collectively learn and improve. Allora is organized into topics, which are groups of participants focused on solving a specific problem. At present, this can be any type of regression problem. Support for classification is currently under development, with unsupervised learning and generalized AI on the horizon as natural progressions.

The infrastructure of Allora naturally encourages thinking about topics as isolated units that solve well-defined, specific problems. I want to invite you to think about Allora and its topics in a new way. Here, I introduce the concept of Topic Meta-Structures (TMSs), which are higher-order applications or use cases that leverage a wide variety of topics working together.

For example, a TMS might use one topic to classify images, another to select a relevant subset of those, and a third topic to run a regression on the resulting data. A TMS could also employ another topic to generate a new dataset based on regression outcomes, or even a topic to select the most suitable topic for further analysis. Once we start chaining topics together, the possibilities become endless.

TMSs are a big thing. They redefine a topic's role from a stand-alone intelligent system to one of many intelligent building blocks, which can be combined in countless ways. I will explore with you what that might look like. To do so, I will provide five concrete examples of how TMSs can solve real-world problems, discuss how Allora's design inherently preserves data privacy and security in TMSs, reflect on how the modular composition of TMSs may be coordinated by dedicated routing topics, and conclude by showing how TMSs may even serve as a step toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

The Role of Topics in the Allora Network

Allora's topics are the basic building blocks of the Allora Network. These are sub-networks within which participants collaborate to generate inferences and earn rewards. Each topic contains a short rule set that governs the interaction between the topic participants, including the target variable, the loss function that needs to be optimized by the topic network (where lower losses indicate better performance), and some additional parameters that influence the construction of the network inference and the topic participation dynamics.

Schematic representation of a topic within the Allora Network, which is a sub-network within the Allora ecosystem characterized by a specific target and loss function. Topics help organize the problems that Allora is solving, and they are used to coordinate the collaboration between network participants. This schematic illustrates the logical and economic interactions between workers, reputers, and consumers. The topic coordinator represents the rule set that Allora uses to coordinate these interactions.
Schematic representation of a topic within the Allora Network, which is a sub-network within the Allora ecosystem characterized by a specific target and loss function. Topics help organize the problems that Allora is solving, and they are used to coordinate the collaboration between network participants. This schematic illustrates the logical and economic interactions between workers, reputers, and consumers. The topic coordinator represents the rule set that Allora uses to coordinate these interactions.

Allora's topics are the basic building blocks of the Allora Network. These are sub-networks within which participants collaborate to generate inferences and earn rewards. Each topic contains a short rule set that governs the interaction between the topic participants, including the target variable, the loss function that needs to be optimized by the topic network (where lower losses indicate better performance), and some additional parameters that influence the construction of the network inference and the topic participation dynamics.

Within a topic (illustrated above), there exist three types of participants. Inference workers are data scientists who employ their private data and models to provide inferences for the target variable of the topic. Forecasting workers are data scientists who employ their private data and models to forecast the expected losses of the inference workers under the current circumstances. These forecasted losses are used by the topic to generate forecast-implied inferences, which are a form of synthesized inference that reflects the forecasting workers' awareness of the inference workers' performance and its dependence on the changing conditions. Therefore, it is the addition of forecasting workers that makes topics in Allora context-aware. Finally, reputers are data engineers who are tasked with sourcing the ground truth for the topic's target variable and evaluating the loss function for a vector of inferences. A topic combines the raw inferences, forecasted losses, and losses reported by the reputers to quantify the historical reputation of each participant, allocate rewards, and generate a network inference, which the topic's main output.

Allora's topics are complex ecosystems of participants, each with their own role and purpose. Currently, topics can perform regression tasks, and classification support is currently under development. In the intermediate term, support for unsupervised learning and generative AI will be natural extensions of the network functionality. Despite their complexity and versatility, topics can be used as basic building blocks for higher-order applications, and provide the key elements for generating emergence across the Allora Network. This is where TMSs come in. They are applications built on top of the Allora Network that leverage the power of multiple topics working together. Most importantly, TMSs represent a form of modular intelligence, where increasing levels of complexity and intelligence can be achieved through clever combinations of topics and connections between them.

Real-World Examples of Applying TMSs

The applications of TMSs span a broad spectrum, and I will now discuss five concrete examples to illustrate their potential. These examples range from financial markets to healthcare, environment, logistics, and more. They are by no means exhaustive, but illustrate the capabilities unlocked by TMSs.

For any of these cases, siloed centralized AI models may also be used to attempt solving the problem. However, Allora's TMSs offer clear advantages: the collective intelligence generated by Allora is more accurate than that of any single participant (which may be any centralized AI model), while simultaneously ensuring data privacy and security. The network accomplishes this by continuously refining how to best balance the inferences from individual participants within the current context.

Accuracy and security are critical in many of the examples below. Additionally, Allora's open architecture and transparency make it possible to integrate a wide range of specialized data sources, signals, and models without sacrificing accessibility. TMSs illustrate that collaborative AI does not only address the traditional trade-off between accuracy and security, but also opens new avenues for solving increasingly complex problems that require a broad range of specialized knowledge and expertise.

1. Multi-Asset Trading Strategies

Modern financial markets are highly complex, and navigating them requires strategies that can adapt to changing conditions and integrate a wide variety of signals. TMSs can be used to optimize trading strategies across a portfolio of assets (stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies) by using a combination of historical data analysis, real-time market sentiment, and predictive modeling. Such a TMS would aim to generate highly effective trading strategies that evolve as market conditions change, adjusting in response to market volatility, shifting trends, and external signals such as news events or macroeconomic indicators.

Abstract representation of how Allora's TMSs adapt to market dynamics, combining price forecasts, predicted trading volumes, market condition classification, and simulated trading strategies to optimize trading decisions.
Abstract representation of how Allora's TMSs adapt to market dynamics, combining price forecasts, predicted trading volumes, market condition classification, and simulated trading strategies to optimize trading decisions.

A TMS would coordinate several specialized topics to address these challenges (illustrated above). Topics focused on price prediction might assess asset volatility by analyzing historical price trends, trading volumes, and external factors (interest rates, inflation). Other topics might act as input to the regression topics by identifying whether market conditions are bullish, bearish, or neutral. Unsupervised learning topics might uncover hidden risks and new opportunities by analyzing patterns in liquidity flows or unusual trading behavior. And finally, generative AI topics might be used to simulate optimal trading strategies under different market conditions, each tailored to various risk profiles (conservative, aggressive, balanced) and time horizons (short-term, long-term).

The strength of TMSs lies in their ability to dynamically adjust to changing conditions. In this example, they achieve this by mobilizing specialized topics for regression, classification, and generative modeling. If the market turns bearish, the TMS can automatically adjust portfolio allocations to hedge against losses, using generative models to create strategies that align with the new market sentiment. In a bullish phase, the system may shift toward maximizing gains, adapting quickly to changing sentiments while maintaining a balance across risk profiles.

Allora's infrastructure currently already supports the development of TMSs that address the first step of the above trading strategies, as tens of thousands of models are currently providing price predictions for different assets. The technical functionality for macroscopic market characterization will arrive soon, followed by anomaly detection and strategy generation.

2. Real-Time Fraud Detection

Fraud and fraud prevention exist in a continuous arms race, wherein prevention techniques have evolved to a degree of complexity that requires the combination of multiple types of modeling. In its current form, Allora can already detect fraudulent activity by analyzing transaction patterns, user behavior, and various other indicators. A TMS focused on fraud detection would need to identify potential fraud while minimizing false positives, and also adapt to new behaviors and patterns.

Abstract representation of how Allora's TMSs adapt to evolving fraud patterns, combining transaction analysis, user behavior predictions, and abnormal activity classification to enable real-time fraud detection strategies.
Abstract representation of how Allora's TMSs adapt to evolving fraud patterns, combining transaction analysis, user behavior predictions, and abnormal activity classification to enable real-time fraud detection strategies.

A TMS could address fraud detection challenges by coordinating multiple specialized topics (illustrated above). Certain topics might predict normal transaction volumes and user behavior, flagging outliers based on deviations from historical patterns. Other topics might perform real-time behavioral analysis to classify transactions, identifying whether user activities fall into normal or abnormal categories.

The strength of this TMS would lie in its ability to dynamically adjust to new threats. Malicious actors constantly adapt their techniques, and the system would need to continuously learn and refine its detection models. Allora's current infrastructure already supports much of the necessary functionality, but there is room for further development. For example, unsupervised learning topics could help identify entirely new types of fraudulent behavior, and generative AI topics could simulate fraud prevention strategies.

3. Environmental Disaster Prediction and Response

The ability to predict and respond to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires can save lives and protect infrastructure. This requires synthesizing large volumes of data from numerous sources, such as satellite imagery, weather forecasts, and historical trends. TMSs can help predict and respond to natural disasters by combining data from these multiple sources and coordinating a broad range of AI models to inform decision making. The aim of this TMS would be to provide early warnings, optimize resource allocation, and coordinate rescue operations in real-time. Key challenges include combining large datasets in real time to forecast the severity of weather events, characterizing disaster types and risk zones to tailor responses, detecting anomalies early to enable immediate action, and using generative models to simulate different response strategies and identify the most effective ones.

Illustration of how Allora's TMSs can predict and respond to environmental disasters, combining weather prediction, anomaly detection, risk classification, and simulated emergency response strategies to minimize disaster impact.
Illustration of how Allora's TMSs can predict and respond to environmental disasters, combining weather prediction, anomaly detection, risk classification, and simulated emergency response strategies to minimize disaster impact.

A TMS focused on environmental disaster prediction and response (illustrated above) would combine specialized topics to address each of these challenges. For example, some topics might analyze real-time sensor data and satellite imagery to predict rainfall, wind speeds, or temperature changes. Other topics might perform risk classification of locations based on the local geographic and meteorological conditions. Unsupervised learning topics might detect anomalies in satellite feeds, such as early smoke patterns or ocean temperature shifts. And finally, generative AI topics might simulate emergency response plans, providing concrete evacuation strategies based on predicted disaster impacts.

Once again, the strength of this TMS would lie in its ability to dynamically adjust to unfolding events. By combining regression, classification, anomaly detection, and generative simulations, the TMS would collect all the information and intelligence needed to optimize emergency response. Each topic would contribute specialized insights, and together they would be able to handle complex, high-stakes scenarios.

Right now, weather forecasting is already possible using Allora. More comprehensive applications will be unlocked as support for classification, unsupervised learning, and generative AI is added.

4. Supply Chain Optimization

Global supply chains face constant disruptions by supplier delays, logistical bottlenecks, geopolitical factors, financial instability, demographic shifts, or natural disasters. TMSs can be used to streamline the logistics and supply chains for global manufacturers by forecasting demand and supply, classifying supplier reliability, and by dynamically identifying risks across different regions.

Visualization of how Allora’s TMSs optimize global supply chains, integrating demand forecasting, supplier risk classification, and anomaly detection to streamline supply chain management and mitigate disruptions.
Visualization of how Allora’s TMSs optimize global supply chains, integrating demand forecasting, supplier risk classification, and anomaly detection to streamline supply chain management and mitigate disruptions.

A TMS focused on supply chain optimization (illustrated above) would again coordinate multiple specialized topics to address these challenges. For example, some topics might predict demand fluctuations for products across different regions by analyzing market trends and historical sales data. Other topics might classify suppliers based on risk factors, categorizing them as low, medium, or high risk for potential delays or disruptions. As Allora evolves, unsupervised learning topics could detect anomalies in supply chain data, such as sudden changes in delivery times or stock levels, while generative AI topics could simulate different supply chain scenarios to identify the most effective strategies for risk mitigation and adaptive optimization.

This example shows that the current and impending capabilities of Allora can already be used to optimize demand forecasting and supplier risk management, leading to a more efficient and resilient supply chain. Future unsupervised learning and generative AI will help detect hidden inefficiencies and provide the ability to generate bespoke logistics strategies.

5. Personal Healthcare Assistance

As the healthcare system increasingly relies on advanced technologies, the ability to leverage multi-variate data heralds a new era of personalized medicine. TMSs can be used to provide tailored healthcare services by diagnosing conditions, recommending treatments, and even generating lifestyle advice tailored to a patient's medical history and current health status. Major challenges include integrating real-time health metrics from wearables, medical history, and external data (such as environmental conditions), categorizing symptoms into potential conditions and projecting their progression, and providing personalized lifestyle or diet suggestions. Given the sensitive nature of medical data, solutions would need to adhere to strict privacy regulations. In the context of Allora, this can be naturally achieved by applying homomorphic encryption, which allows inference models to run on encrypted data without decrypting it.

Illustration of how Allora's TMSs can provide personalized healthcare assistance, combining medical history and external data to forecast health metrics, diagnose conditions, recommend treatments, and generate health advice.
Illustration of how Allora's TMSs can provide personalized healthcare assistance, combining medical history and external data to forecast health metrics, diagnose conditions, recommend treatments, and generate health advice.

A TMS focused on personalized healthcare (illustrated above) could coordinate various specialized topics to address these challenges. For example, regression topics might use current and historical data to predict health metrics over time, such as blood pressure or heart rate. Classification topics might categorize symptoms reported by the patient into potential conditions and help identify early-stage diabetes or hypertension. Unsupervised learning topics may analyze historical patient data to detect long-term trends or unexpected patterns, such as identifying patients at risk for rare diseases. Finally, generative AI topics might generate customized health advice based on the patient's lifestyle, goals, and current health status.

By combining these specialized topics, a TMS can offer predictive insights, detect anomalies, and provide real-time recommendations, which would make it a highly personalized tool for health management. With Allora's current capabilities, it is already possible to identify and project medical conditions. As support for unsupervised learning and generative AI is added, this will unlock the full potential of personalized healthcare TMSs.

TMSs as Secure and Privacy-Preserving AI

In a decentralized network like Allora, security and privacy are fundamental concerns, especially when processing sensitive data such as medical records or financial transactions. A major strength of TMSs is their ability to harness a comprehensive range of machine intelligence in such a way that the highest standards of security and privacy are upheld for all participants.

TMSs ensure privacy at both the data and model levels. Within each topic contained in a TMS, data and models are private to each participant, and thus the network design maintains data sovereignty. Participants retain full control over their data, which is never exposed directly to the network. This is directly inherited by TMSs, which only aggregate outputs that have been provided by the topic participants. No raw data is shared, and only the inferences are made available to the network for synthesis. Eventually, cryptographic methods such as zero-knowledge proofs may be employed, allowing participants to verify the correctness of network messages without exposing any private data.

TMSs also offer greater security than centralized systems, because they distribute tasks across multiple nodes and topics. This decentralized nature of the network reduces the risk of a single point of failure. Additionally, Allora's blockchain infrastructure ensures an immutable, transparent record of all transactions and computations, providing a clear audit trail that supports accountability and trust within the system. None of these features are available in siloed centralized AI systems.

TMSs as a Routing Component within Allora

Across all of the above examples, individual topics within a TMS can be used to select and coordinate which topics should handle a given task. In this sense, they act as an adaptive routing component within the Allora Network. Fundamentally, this dynamic topic selection is a form of classification, where a specialized routing topic assesses the context of the task (such as the nature of the input data, the required outputs, and even the performance history of available topics) and identifies the most suitable set of topics for collaboration.

A key aspect of this process is that topics themselves contribute to decision-making, both by performing tasks and by demonstrating measurable performance under a variety of current conditions. This allows TMSs to become dynamic, evolving structures that continuously adapt to the changing behavior of the ecosystem and to the task at hand. By being able to draw from the full spectrum of machine intelligence available within the Allora Network, TMSs ensure that the optimal combination of models and inferences is applied to each problem, no matter how complex or unexpected it may be.

This adaptive routing mechanism facilitates emergent intelligence because it allows the network to self-organize and self-optimize in response to real-time demands, moving beyond static, pre-defined workflows. This contextual adaptability is a key differentiator from centralized AI systems, which are often constrained by rigid, pre-defined architectures and are limited in their ability to adapt to new tasks without retraining. By contrast, the application layer built on Allora's TMSs can evolve with each task, selecting, combining, and recombining models and inferences based on the unique requirements of each scenario. In this way, Allora's decentralized intelligence can continuously improve by learning which configurations of topics produce the best results, effectively making a TMS greater than the sum of its parts.

TMSs as a Stepping Stone Toward AGI?

I would like to conclude with a bold assertion: TMSs may be a stepping stone toward AGI. While the concept of AGI is highly complex, TMSs can make a unique contribution. Current AI models (including large language models) are specialized to handle specific tasks. The coordination and emergence of intelligence with Allora's decentralized topics and collaboration between models hint at how AGI could be approached through a more distributed, modular, and scalable framework. Think Skynet. But better. And safer!

Reasons Why TMSs Might Be

There are several reasons why TMSs might be a path toward AGI. First, AGI will require mastering a broad range of tasks and cognitive capabilities. TMSs decentralize intelligence by using multiple specialized topics, each excelling at a specific type of task (regression, classification, unsupervised learning, generative AI). This decentralized approach mirrors biological neural networks, where different regions of the brain specialize in different cognitive functions yet collaborate to produce a unified form of intelligence. By enabling coordination between specialized topics and integrating the resulting insights (as seen in the above examples), TMSs could evolve to handle increasingly generalized problem-solving. The routing function within the TMS would act as a meta-controller, ensuring the right topics are selected and their outputs synthesized, resembling a modular approach to cognition.

Artistic representation of AGI becoming an integral part of society. Emergent intelligence from Allora's TMSs could serve as a stepping stone toward achieving AGI, and may help overcome key aspects of this major challenge.
Artistic representation of AGI becoming an integral part of society. Emergent intelligence from Allora's TMSs could serve as a stepping stone toward achieving AGI, and may help overcome key aspects of this major challenge.

Secondly, one of the main challenges of AGI is enabling emergent intelligence, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In Allora's TMSs, emergent intelligence arises from the coordinated interaction of multiple independent models and topics. For instance, in the aforementioned trading strategy example, emergent strategies results from integrating price prediction, market classification, and risk hedging models, all working in concert. This ability to route, synthesize, and coordinate the output from multiple specialized agents mirrors how an AGI might integrate knowledge across a wide variety of domains. This suggests that emergent intelligence from TMSs could serve as a stepping stone toward AGI.

Thirdly, TMSs introduce a form of meta-learning where the system learns not just from historical performance but also adapts based on contextual cues. This further amplifies the innate context-awareness of individual topics within Allora, where forecasting workers predict the performance of inference models and allow the topic to prioritize inferences that are expected to outperform in the current context. The network's ability to self-improve by synthesizing the outputs of various topics and recalibrating based on context brings it closer to the adaptive problem-solving capabilities anticipated in AGI systems.

Fourthly, Allora's design allows for any current model to act as a participant in its decentralized ecosystem. It will outperform any such model by construction, even if this model itself is already AGI or is approaching a state of AGI. This flexibility is critical for advancing toward AGI because it creates a collaborative intelligence framework where multiple specialized AIs (such as large language models, computer vision models, or reinforcement learning agents) can work together. Each model contributes its expertise to solving parts of the problem, while the TMS synthesizes the results into a more generalized solution. By incorporating existing models as building blocks, the network can gradually expand its problem-solving range, moving from narrow, specialized intelligence toward something resembling general intelligence. The routing component acts as a knowledge aggregator, which could be a key ingredient for creating emergent properties similar to those in AGI.

Finally, we must acknowledge that AGI remains a distant goal, but TMSs could serve as concrete stepping stones toward AGI. Applications using TMSs might evolve into task-specific AGI prototypes. For example, a TMS focused on multi-asset trading could eventually autonomously manage a portfolio across all market conditions without human intervention, dynamically adjusting strategies in real time. This could be seen as a form of narrow AGI, focused on a particular domain yet capable of independent, self-adaptive decision-making across all relevant tasks within that domain. As TMSs evolve to manage more complex and interconnected tasks, such domain-specific AGI prototypes could proliferate and eventually merge into a more generalized form of AGI.

Reasons Why TMSs Might Not Yet Be

So when AGI? There are still many challenges that need to be overcome, divided into three main categories. First, Allora does not yet support all of the ingredients required for AGI. A key component of AGI is the ability to learn from unstructured data without explicit instructions (unsupervised learning) and generating new knowledge or ideas (generative AI). While Allora's roadmap plans support for these capabilities, fully integrating them into a decentralized, emergent intelligence network is a significant challenge. Creativity, abstract reasoning, and cross-domain synthesis are critical components of AGI, and while TMSs provide a powerful framework for managing specialized models, reaching the level of general creativity and reasoning required for AGI will demand significant advancements in how these models interact and synthesize insights.

Secondly, the privacy of data and models within the Allora network is a double-edged sword. While it enhances decentralization and security, it also limits the sharing of knowledge between participants. AGI would likely benefit from some form of shared understanding or common knowledge base, which is harder to achieve when each participant's data and models are private. Overcoming these privacy constraints without compromising security or decentralization will be necessary to make TMSs capable of evolving toward AGI.

Finally, while TMSs can help route tasks and synthesize intelligence, scaling the system to achieve the full cognitive breadth and depth required for AGI introduces considerable complexity. Routing-focused topics would need to become highly sophisticated to manage the multitude of tasks required for AGI. Unlike biological systems, where connections between different parts of the brain evolve organically, the coordination of decentralized topics requires carefully calibrated rules and decision-making systems. This adds a layer of complexity that makes AGI challenging to achieve even with the TMS framework.

Open and Collaborative AGI

TMSs within Allora have the potential to contribute meaningfully toward the long-term goal of AGI, by fostering emergent intelligence through the decentralized coordination of specialized models. While current models can act as participants, the key innovations that TMSs bring (such as context-aware intelligence, decentralized problem-solving, and dynamic task routing) are important pieces of the AGI puzzle. Achieving AGI would require scaling this system to a level of meta-cognition, where the network not only selects the best models for specific tasks but can also reason, generate abstract concepts, and learn autonomously from its environment.

Allora's TMS framework for managing decentralized intelligence provides a scalable architecture that could significantly accelerate progress towards AGI, especially as the network evolves to handle unsupervised learning and generative tasks. It is a promising step towards a future where machines can autonomously learn and adapt to new challenges, mimicking the cognitive abilities that define intelligence. By breaking down the silos of centralized AI, Allora's TMSs pave the way for a more open and collaborative approach to AI research and applications, where the best ideas and insights can be freely shared and built upon.

About the Allora Network

Allora is a self-improving decentralized AI network.

Allora enables applications to leverage smarter, more secure AI through a self-improving network of ML models. By combining innovations in crowdsourced intelligence, reinforcement learning, and regret minimization, Allora unlocks a vast new design space of applications at the intersection of crypto and AI.

To learn more about the Allora Network, visit the Allora websiteXBlogDiscord, and developer docs.